Hi, I'm Kate,
Reiki Master Teacher
Founder of Little School of Reiki.
I truly believe that there are no coincidences in life, only synchronicities. Whatever breadcrumbs led you to stumble upon my website, I am grateful that our paths have crossed and am excited to connect with you!
Over the years I have seen from my own personal experience that learning Reiki has the ability to deeply impact and transform lives, when learnt and practiced in a supportive environment.

Over the years I have seen from my own personal experience that learning Reiki has the ability to deeply impact and transform lives, when learnt and practiced in a supportive environment.
Whatever invisible thread it was that drew you here, I am grateful that our paths have crossed and am excited to connect with you!
Hi, I'm Kate,
Reiki Master Teacher
Founder of Little School of Reiki

I founded Little School of Reiki with the intention of creating a space that honours the deeply intimate nature of learning this healing practice, by keeping group trainings small, offering 1-1 courses, and only teaching in a live capacity, whether online or face-to-face.
As an unregulated industry, the way that Reiki courses are taught is down to the integrity of the Reiki Master teaching you.
Little School of Reiki is dedicated to upholding the values of quality and authenticity.
Reiki is such an integral part of my everyday life. The practices I teach are the practices I use myself, because they really work.
Courses combine a compliment of teachings from traditional Japanese lineages with Western Reiki practices, offering a down-to-earth approach to a sacred system of healing.
By offering an equal balance of theory, practice, Q&As, and ongoing support, together we create a strong foundation for building a life-long practice.
These courses are so much more than certifications; Reiki is a gift that will continue to guide the rest of your life.
I am grateful and humbled say that I am still in touch with almost all of my past students. 90% of them are still practicing Reiki on a regular basis, and 50% of them are practicing in a professional capacity.
This tried-and-tested teaching approach has been intentionally designed to give you the skills, knowledge and opportunities to experience the real-life transformational benefits Reiki has to offer, so that you leave feeling inspired and confident to continue practicing and evolving into your highest, most authentic expression of yourself, long after a course ends.


Courtney, USA
When Kate introduced me to Reiki, I experienced real, life-changing shifts. She creates a safe, authentic healing space - being in her presence is so calming. The Reiki sessions I received from her were so powerful and cleansing, and Kate was so loving and kind.

Melodie, France
I loved the way that Kate taught - very gentle and diligent. I immediately connected with her - she really gives off a soothing vibe and does everything she can to make you feel confident. I can highly recommend her, no matter what your level is.

Isabella, USA
Kate's calming presence and knowledge of Reiki is outstanding. She held a beautiful, safe healing space, and I cannot wait to come back for level 2! Not only a wonderful teacher and healer, but an overall beautiful human being.

A spark of simple curiosity initially drew to Reiki - the immense journey of self-healing, personal growth and self-discovery totally caught me by surprise!
2015 was a pivotal turning point in my life.
I had just completed my Fine Art degree, so I couldn’t believe my luck when I was approached by an agent who was interested in representing me and selling my artwork. Then, just a couple of weeks later, I managed to land myself a job as an Event Co-ordinator for a well-known London art fair.
I was living in London, building what I had imagined would be my dream career, working as an artist and managing exhibitions, but I was miserable. Feeling burnt-out and depressed had somehow become my norm, and I couldn't figure out why.
This wasn't the first time I'd quit my job and left England, but something was different this time.
Enticed by a volunteer opportunity with an NGO project in Borneo, I  bid farewell to London life and set  off without much of a plan beyond this 3-month program.
A series of serendipitous events eventually led me to Cambodia, where despite my limited experience back then, I began working at a yoga and healing centre.
It just so happened that the lady who ran the centre was an incredible Reiki Master, so when she offered to teach me I jumped at the chance, and was instantly hooked!
I was mesmerised (and still am!) by the physical sensations of Reiki energy that flowed through my hands and body, and more importantly, the deep healing that began to occur.
As unprocessed feelings and memories that I hadn’t even realised were there came to surface, the truth of who I really was started to reveal itself.
As I began to feel better on the inside, to my amazement, my outer appearance started to change too! The excess physical weight I had been carrying simply fell off without any conscious effort; my teeth became whiter; my shapeless frizzy hair turned into curly ringlets; and these were just some of the aesthetics!

I had spent so many years unknowingly stifling the sensitive, introverted parts of myself that society viewed as "weaknesses", I had forgotten who I was.
And wearing a "mask" because we feel like it's not ok to be ourselves is exhausting!
Burn-outs are just as likely to occur from over-masking as they are from over-working; most often, a combination of the two.
However these behaviours were so deeply ingrained, they weren't something I was able to fully understand or tackle on a conscious level.
Only when the energetic blocks began to dissolve, was I able to start re-connecting with the essence of what makes me, “me”.
My perspective on what I had once seen as “negative” traits began to change and things softly started to fall into place.
When I look at my life today, living in Bali with my two adorable cats, Ilsa and Offira, surrounded by nature, running my own business, doing work that feels truly creative and purposeful; living in a way that honours my sensitive, introverted nature; it couldn't be further from the London hustle that I left behind nine years ago. ​​
Reiki has transformed my life in so many ways, I feel grateful and humbled to be able to share this gift with you, and bare witness to your own journey of healing, growth and self-discovery.

If you'd like to hear more about my Reiki journey...​
Read my interview with the
Gili Air Slow Food & Yoga Festival.

​Studying with a number of different Reiki Masters in modern and traditional Western and Japanese lineages, including Usui Reiki Ryoho, Usui Shiki Ryoho, Holy Fire III ® Reiki, World Peace Reiki and Shamanic Reiki, has given me a unique perspective into how the practice has changed and evolved over the years, and this non-dogmatic approach plays a significant role in my teaching.
My experience studying with Buddhist healers and monks, training in a variety of other modalities, including Yoga, meditation, Thai massage and Pranic healing, also informs my Reiki teaching and practice.
I have had the pleasure of guiding over 500 individual healing sessions, have taught more than 200 Reiki trainings and certified over 400 students from Level 1 to Master Teacher.​